Dani is a business owner, a wife and mother of two fantastically wackadoo children (4 and 6 years old), and a working actor for over 15 years, Dani is as down to earth as they come, and will make you feel like you're talking to your best friend. She has a voice that soothing enough for meditation, and trustworthy and straightforward enough to walk you through installing your new baby's carseat, choosing an insurance provider, or buying a home...but unleash her sense of humor, and she'll bring copy to life with wit, snark, dry humor (her favorite), and a willingness to play and try new things. Dani takes great joy in finding the funny, while still making your product the star of the show. She brings characters to life with striking authenticity, and loves playing the villain. Dani is also a professional singer. Her alto range brings a level of sexy sophistication to her work while still keeping things conversational and approachable. You can't help but stop and listen when she speaks. She has the cut through voice you are looking for.
Location: Garden Grove, CA, USA
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